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They Didn’t Play "Stonehenge"

Article posted on Sunday, March, 30th, 2008 at 11:37 am

Well, it’s been a while. *whew!*

Annabelle’s first birthday party was last weekend. I’d just spent the entire week having (seemingly) every medical procedure known to mankind; I was put on two days of bed rest and Andy was covering the after hours clinic, so I am amazed we managed to pull off both a birthday party AND a visit from the Easter Bunny. It was touch-and-go there for a while and he was unsure he could add us to his route, but he did show.

Thank-you-very-much, Easter Bunny!

Our fam at AEB’s party Saturday.
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In other news…
Yes, I had a Spinal Tap and … … it didn’t rock or go to 11 (nor did they play ‘Stonehenge,’ damn it!) …

“Spinal Tap” is one of my all-time favorite movies, but the reality of a lumbar puncture is nowhere near as entertaining and is, in fact, about as scary as David St. Hubbins in spandex.

I was ridiculously nervous. It didn’t help that I had to sign these forms five minutes before they wheeled me away informing me I could a.) die, b.) be paralyzed, c.) get a hideous infection, etc. CYA, I know. NEVERTHELESS!

The needle was in my back for about 30 minutes. The doctor (who had the smallest hands I’ve seen outside of a juvenile) kept asking how I was doing to which I just groaned/whined “fiiiiine.” I didn’t want to move. I was afraid of moving, lest the needle go askew.

The funny thing about the ‘Tap is the weird electrical jolts it sends to various parts of your body. Down your leg… ZAP! Down your other leg… DOUBLE ZAP! Across your back… BURNING ZAP! And over again.

I had to lie down flat for 48 hours straight, which, as the mother of a toddler sounded rather exciting when it was first mentioned. Within two hours I was going crazy. Anyway, just a nice big thank you to all who expressed concern. I appreciate your encouraging words. This has been a very trying two weeks.

Unfortunately, there are still no real answers to the conundrum.

So that’s that.

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