VI Nice
Posted on Thursday, August, 6th, 2015 at 6:30 pm (Leave a Comment)Happy 4th!
Posted on Monday, July, 4th, 2011 at 9:31 pm (Leave a Comment)It was a great weekend with good friends and family! Â Much <3 to all who shared the holiday weekend with us:
Nana and Poppy, Mimi and Papaw, Auntie Lee Lee, Ken and Jan, Eddy, Gigi and Carlo, Gavin, Grant, Abby, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Thank you!
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Anna’s Smoothie
Posted on Thursday, June, 23rd, 2011 at 5:02 pm (Leave a Comment)At Anna B’s insistence we made a smoothie the other day (6/20). Â Here is the recipe:
* Â 1/2 cup orange juice
* Â Handful of frozen pineapple
* Â Handful of frozen strawberries
* Â 3 frozen, pitted black cherries
* Â 1 cup lowfat strawberry yogurt
* Â 2 handsful of fresh blueberries
* Â 1 ripe banana
* Â 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
* Â sugar substitute for a bit of sweetness
We placed the frozen fruit in first, then the banana and the rest of the fruit; followed by the juice, vanilla and a bit of Splenda. Â Then blended on high for about 45 seconds. Â It had the consistency of a milkshake and was deliciously cold and refreshing.
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Posted on Sunday, May, 15th, 2011 at 2:31 am (Leave a Comment)What do you do when you are at the end of your rope and can’t conjure a solution to an ongoing problem? Â I have tried 101 different things and can’t think of another way. Â I don’t know what to do!
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Beautiful Wings
Posted on Tuesday, May, 10th, 2011 at 11:36 pm (Leave a Comment)Our sweet cat, Sarah, died today. Â She was the best, most loving cat you could ask for. Â I overheard Annabelle talking to her stuffed animals and she was saying, “God give Sarah wings! Â Beautiful wings to fly to Heaven.”
Yes, please, Lord.
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Good Day
Posted on Sunday, April, 24th, 2011 at 11:25 pm (Leave a Comment)Great Easter Day.
Big egg hunt. Church. Lovely lunch with Anna’s Auntie and Papaw. Then Nana and Poppy came over. Then playoff hockey!
The sermon at church really was the highlight of the day. And this:
Annabelle and I were talking about Easter and I told her that Jesus was God’s gift to us. I said that she was God’s gift to me, and she said, “and you’re my gift.” It was just one of those special moments.
Happy Easter!
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Georgia Peach in the Bluebonnets
Posted on Saturday, April, 9th, 2011 at 1:54 am (Leave a Comment)Time, Where Does it Go?
Posted on Friday, February, 11th, 2011 at 12:26 pm (2 Comments)The last year just seems to have flown by! Where did it go? When I changed blogging software, it made it less easy for me to update my page via my phone or e-mail, so I’ve been remiss in posting (so has Andy for that matter!). We’re going to try to do better.
Even if we have no more readers, we need to document! Our photo album is still getting updated, though it, too, has suffered.
If you’re still out there, holla!
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Thanks — and Hello!
Posted on Tuesday, November, 9th, 2010 at 2:31 am (Leave a Comment)I wanted to say “hi” to Mrs. R. who always leaves lovely comments. We appreciate them! :-)
Annabelle has been sick and it’s so hard when she’s not feeling well. I just wish I could wave a wand and make her better.
I have so many Anna updates to make, but have been so negligent of the blog. I promise to do better!
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Can’t Never Could
Posted on Tuesday, October, 5th, 2010 at 7:43 pm (Leave a Comment)“I can’t want to.” And “I cant like it.” are back. Annabelle hadn’t said either of those two expressions for a long time. They just made be laugh and melt.
The other day, after being photographed several times and told to “say cheese,” she said, “I already cheesed.” It was really funny.
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“Be Captain Speaking”
Posted on Sunday, September, 19th, 2010 at 11:34 pm (One Comment)
Annabelle and Nana
Andy and Annabelle sometimes pretend to be passengers on a plane or on a bus. Â Andy will play the captain and will pretend to come over the loudspeaker, saying something like, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking…”
Today Annabelle, in her usual excitable way, begged us to play airplane with her and told Andy that he had to be “Captain Speaking.” Â It was really hilarious. Â I need to get an audio file of it.
Be sure to check out our new pictures in the Photo Album  There are some cute ones.
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Posted on Wednesday, September, 1st, 2010 at 11:27 pm (One Comment)Annabelle told us the other day that she didn’t want to wear her halter top because “it will mess up my bows.”
She’s started pre-school. Â New school. Â Three times a week. Â It seems like a lot to me. Â I feel stressed out and anxious thinking she’s not ready for that amount of time a week. Â *clings*
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Meet the Peacock Princess
Posted on Sunday, August, 29th, 2010 at 2:12 am (Leave a Comment)Snap, Snap
Posted on Thursday, August, 5th, 2010 at 2:30 am (One Comment)I Scream, You Scream
Posted on Saturday, July, 24th, 2010 at 6:38 pm (One Comment)At the ice cream factory with cousins.

Waiting for the factory tour to begin.
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