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On the Night Shift

Article posted on Thursday, March, 15th, 2007 at 8:13 am

We’ve been very blessed so far to have two grandmothers and an auntie here to help us. Last night was the first night — since our first night at home — that we were solo at the helm of the U.S.S. Annabelle.

After that first exhausting, exasperating night, Mimi stayed with the baby so we could sleep. Nana took the next night. That really helped — me especially, since I am still recovering from a C-section and am in pain (not to mention exhausted). I didn’t get a heck of a lot of sleep in the hospital. They came in every hour it seemed, waking me up, when I’d just managed to drift off.

So last night I held Annabelle in my arms all night while I worked on the computer. The second I tried to put her down, she’d get fussy. So baby in one arm, typing with the other. At the moment, I am on the night shift again. Andy is asleep on the floor (we’re downstairs in the living room). Auntie Kelly is holding the baby. We’re half watching Planes, Trains and Automobiles and half trying to sleep and half trying to watch the baby — not sure how all those halves add up to a whole, but hey (!) it’s 3:15 a.m. I am not supposed to know.

Annabelle is doing great. We took her to the doctor for her first check up. She needs to have her hearing evaluated. So, please pray for good things. She goes to the ENT on Friday.

I’ve gotten some really nice e-mails and calls. I want to say thanks to those who took the time to call and write. I am up all night and sleeping all day (yes, what’s new, right?), but I promise to get back with you soon. Thank you again for all of the support. This has been a surprisingly hectic, emotional and overwhelming time. I really, really appreciate the notes, comments and calls. So thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

And for all those who have been begging for photos (you know who you are!), I’ve set up a couple of new things in the albums. Here’s what I’ve got for you…

As always, we love and appreciate your notes and comments. Much love… GLP


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